1 research outputs found

    Comparison of Different Machine Learning and Self-Learning Methods for Predicting Obesity on Generalized and Gender-Segregated Data

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    Obesity is a global health concern with long-term implications. Our research applies numerous Machine Learning models consisting of  Random Forest model, XGBT(Extreme Gradient Boosting) model, Decision Tree model, k-Nearest Neighbors technique, Support Vector Machine model, Linear Regression model, Naïve Bayes classifier  and a neural network named Multilayer Perceptron on an obesity dataset so that we can predict obesity and reduce it. The models are evaluated on recall, accuracy, F1-score, and precision. The findings reveal the performance of the algorithms on generalised and gender-segregated data providing insights concerning feature selection and early obesity identification. This research aims to demonstrate the comparative study of obesity prediction for gender-neutral and gender-specific datasets